Mulan(2020)- Review Mulan is a 2020 fantasy action drama by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie is adapted from Walt Disney Animation Studios animation movie of the same name based Chinese folklore story, Ballad of Mulan. The movie centers around a young Chinese woman Mulan (Yifei Liu) living in Imperial China. With social stereotypes existing all girls are expected to be well-mannered and serve as a good wife. However, Mulan is nowhere near an ‘ideal girl’ let alone an ideal wife. She has always been the adventures type and is never shy in showing her physical prowess. Her father Hua Zhou (Tzi Ma) is one of the great war veteran having served the Emperor when the Imperial Empire was last attacked. Having two daughters and being the only man in the house, Zhou chooses to once again pick up his sword when the Emperor orders every family in the kingdom to volunteer a warrior. Knowing that her father won’t survive if he were to enter the battlefield, Mulan decides to take his place. Dece...