Suits is a legal drama, primarily showcasing a law firm (initially Pearson Hardman), its workings and the stories few of few of its executives. It would have been a very much alike to the ubiquitous TV shows’ on lawyers/law firms, but Suits brings together a curl to the high flying lifestyle of lawyers, or as has been showcased on the screen. Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) is nothing short of a genius with his brilliant mind and photographic memory, but due to his unimpressive history in his previous years has stymied him in achieving his dream from becoming a lawyer. To make ends meet he takes on a few jobs whose legality can be questioned. When one of these jobs takes a dark turn, and Mike trying to fend off the police of his shoulder, serendipitously runs into Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht). Harvey is interviewing candidates for his firm. Harvey extremely impressed by Mike offers him the job despite knowing that he does not have a law degree. The basic premise of the story works on this with Mike & Harvey trying to keep Mike’s identity a secret, along with taking on difficult cases and trying to find solutions in unconventional ways.
Creator & writer Aaron Korsh doesn’t disappoint much throughout the series, with well thought of stories & scenarios. Gabriel Macht does an amazing job portraying an uptown playboy-esque New York lawyer. Patrick J. Adams too does a good enough job, but sometimes does not meet the high standards set by Macht. Other members of the main cast should also be appreciated for their efforts, particularly Sarah Rafferty as Donna Paulsen & Rick Hoffman as Louis Litt. The music and background score is satisfying and gives a bit of excitement which works in the series’ advantage when some episodes’ story is not good enough. Direction & Cinematography too does not fetch too many complaints.
The series runs for 9 seasons and by the end feels stretched out lacking much depth. It would have been better if they would have taken the Breaking Bad route of limiting the seasons. Initially the cast remains standard across seasons with a few additions here and there, but by the end it’s a jumbled up cast with a few original members and additions, who too are changed time and again, which is not always received well by the viewers. Story-wise it is plausible and remains to the point, but by the end it lacks quality, as it is being tried to be overextended. For a legal series if a few more storylines/scenes would have been based in the courtroom like Boston Legal it could have been better.
It kicks off with a bang but by the end loses its touch, but it is surely entertaining throughout even with its flaws. If you choose to see only the first 7 seasons, it would not be the worst idea. It can be boring for people who are not much interested in business/corporates type of genres, but if you are into it it’s a must watch.
Acting- 8.5
Casting- 8.5
Cinematography- 9
Dialogue- 8
Directing- 8.5
Editing & Effects- 7.5
Sound & Music- 9
Story- 8
Storytelling- 8.5
Rating- 8.5
Available on: Amazon Prime+Netflix
Also Read On: Medium—Vocal—Substack
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