The Lift Boy is a drama film taking us through a period of 24-year-old Raju Tawde’s (Moin Khan) life. Raju is a happy-go-lucky young adult without much worry and no plans for the future. With this carefree attitude, Raju has flunked his exams a few times and so is yet to graduate. On a normal day, he finds himself in an unsavory situation after his father suffers a heart attack. His father works as a lift operator in a building. With him not being in a state to fulfill his duties, Raju is told to be the proxy and fill-in for his ill father for the near future. Raju reluctantly goes to ‘work’ without much any worry or concern. While working as the Lift boy, he comes across many people living in the building and even befriends a few. Among the residents of the building resides Maureen D’Souza (Nyla Masood) who is also the owner of the building. In the coming few weeks the two form an uncommon friendship which further flourishes when Maureen assists Raju with his upcoming examinations.
Indian movies usually feature a fast-paced story that ticks the boxes of a good few genres housing multiple aspects from action to romance, which has now given rise to the genre of ‘Masala Movie’. But very seldom is there an Indian movie that gives a sense of calm and a simple; slow-moving plot unfolding on screen. This is fairly enabled by the writing and direction done by Jonathan Augustin, not being hindered by the fact that most Indian audiences won’t get the drift of the movie. Such movies are made very well in the west but rarely with an Indian Backdrop, keeping this in mind both the leading characters are played very well by Moin Khan & Nyla Masood bringing a rawness to the characters.
There aren’t many mistakes that can overtly be pointed out but it does have a few flaws, possibly owing to the inexperience of the cast & crew. While the script is unique in comparison with the Indian standards, it is fairly clear the movie takes inspiration from a few Hollywood movies. This does give away the story making it predictable for a few audiences.
I won’t say the movie is for everyone but if you like slow movies this one won’t give you a chance to be disappointed. Further, for international audiences, the movie gives a chance to see the reality as is and not the outlandish characters or stories; sometimes showcasing Indian characters as either very rich and at other times unnecessarily poor. All things considered, The Lift Boy is a unique watch that can possibly bring out a few emotions in you.
Acting- 8
Casting- 8
Cinematography- 8.5
Dialogue- 6
Directing- 8
Editing & Effects- 6
Sound & Music- 6.5
Story- 7
Storytelling- 8.5
Rating- 7.5
Available On: Netflix
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